
4 April 2025
Club Meeting:


Stealth HF Antennas
Mike McClary, N6MO

Meeting Info

Click Her


Welcome to the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA), the friendliest club around.  Established in 1937, PAARA is a premier general interest club located in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Whether you are passionate about DX, contesting, EME, ARES, MARS, microwave, digital modes, or any other aspect of amateur radio, youll find like-minded members here.

To get a feel for our club, I encourage you to explore the different sections of our website.  Notably, we have back issues of our newsletter, PAARAgraphs, dating to 1971. Whether you're a new ham, an experienced old-timer, a visitor from out of the area, or are curious about amateur radio and how to get involved, we invite you to join us for our monthly meetings.  These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to connect with other passionate hams, hear an interesting presentation, and learn more about amateur radio in the Bay Area.

I hope to see you soon!

Bob Ridenour, KN6YGN

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