
Previous Events

September 28th 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Hiller Aviation Museum
19 Aug 2023

PAARA will be back for Field Day this year (2023) at Bedwell Bayfront Park in Menlo Park for the first time since 2019!

After a long hiatus, PAARA will once again be hosting the annual Field Day event at Bayfront Park, the site of many successful Field Days over the years.

With turnout and participation a little uncertain, we are easing back into the event with a Category 2A entry this year.  That means 2 HF transmitters, running 500 watts each, under new rules this year. Unlike previous years, neither station will be dedicated to a particular operating mode, but both will be equipped for phone, CW and possibly even digital modes, so operators can choose their preferred mode.

We have always had a BIG signal, thanks to our excellent operating location on Radio Ridge with sloping terrain leading down to the western edge of the bay, giving us the additional boost of the Salt Water Amp effect.  I cant wait to see how things work at 500 watts.

Were also hoping to have our usual excellent GOTA station where we can get folks on the air who may not have any HF experience of even a license.  Our terrific GOTA Captain, Christopher, AI6KG, has a new job and an uncertain schedule.  Were keeping our fingers crossed for him to be there with us, but if you or anyone you know might be interested in helping out at GOTA by coaching our inexperienced operators, please let me know.

Set up starts this year on Friday morning around 9:00 in the back corner of the park where we have traditionally established operations, with assembly of antennas, and getting them in the air. 

We will be erecting 2 full-sized beam antennas this year, our 6-element KT-36XA tribander, which will be shared by both stations through Kristens Hi-power triplexer and filter setup.  Thank you Kristen!

The tribander goes up on one of our AB-621 military masts, and the BIG 40 meter mono-bander will be on the tower trailer as always.  Well have an 80 Meter Dipole up for nighttime operations.  Getting those up safely requires many hands, so please come out to help.

In addition to getting antennas up, we will need to run network cables, feed lines and power cables to the stations, both of which will be along the ridge where we have usually set up our two A stations in U-Haul box trucks.

Well also set up the food and socializing area in the usual place at the fork of the road leading to the ridge.  That entails setting up the big red canopy, anchoring it against the wind and dragging tables and chairs out of the box trailer and getting them set up.

And of course, at the end of the event on Sunday morning, we have to take it all down, pack it up and take it all off the Park.  Mnay hands make light work of all of this, so please bring yours out to join the effort.

This year, we will start on Friday morning at 9:00 AM and work until we run out of daylight or things to do.  Saturday morning starts at 9:00 again, making sure we have all the details handled and stations set up and tested.  Operations begin at 11:00 and run for the next 24 hours straight. 

We strive to keep both of our primary stations on the air for the entire 24 hours, so please pick a time slot and sign up to operate.  Sign up sheets for operating positions and times are available on-line at

As I write, there are NO signups.  Lets see if we cant fill all of our open slots well in advance of the event.  This is an opportunity to work the biggest operating event of the year from superb stations in an excellent location.  Dont miss your chance to participate.

We also have two key positions as yet unfilled, A station Captain and food coordinator.

Our A station captain bowed out due to family considerations, so were looking for someone to fill that position.  It involves setting up the station in one of our rented box trucks, setting and connecting the radio, amp, logging computer and other accessories for comfortable operations.

Food coordination involves procuring ind dividing and repackaging sandwich ingredients for the usual make-it-yourself lunch on Friday and Saturday, as well as hot soup and hot dogs for Saturday night dinner for the troops.  Jim, K6SV, who so ably performed this essential taks for many pasty Field Days can advise you on how much and wht to get, and how to best make it ready for consumption, so you dont have t make it up as you go.

Please give some thought to taking one of these important jobs to help our 2023 Field Day be a success.

For questions, or to volunteer to help, please contact me, Doug, KG6LWE by e-mail at

Please join us at the park for our triumphant return to the Big Leagues!


QST QST .. PAARA in the Park Event

QST QST .. PAARA in the Park Event

Please join us on
April 15th, 2023 at Memorial Park in Cupertino, CA.
The event starts at 10 AM and runs until 4 PM.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided around 12:30 PM. The event is open to members and non-members.

We are hosting a 3-band (20M, 15M, 10M) fan-dipole antenna build.
We have 5 kits available on a first-come first served basis. The cost is $60, in advance, for the required supplies. Once complete, you will be able to test your antenna. You can find more information at:
PAARA in the Park


The Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA) is pleased to announce an event to celebrate the 85th anniversary of our founding.

Click to Download flyer
[PAARA 85th Anniversary Event.pdf]

Thank you to those who attended the 85th Anniversary event and or made contact with the W6P special event station.
Those wishing QSL cards please send a S.A.S.E. to
PAARA 85th
P.O. Box 911
Menlo Park, CA 94026

Announcing A Contest Within An Event

Field Day 2020

The PAARA board gathered on Zoom for a couple of quick meetings a few days after the board meeting to consider the idea of a PAARA club member competition as part of Field Day this year. As there isn’t an official PAARA FD site this year due to conditions out of our control, the board agreed that a bit of friendly competition would “spice” the event up a little. Thus, the PAARA club contest was born. Please check out the rules, which are rather straight forward. The board debated on what the prizes should be tossing around several ideas. Our concern was having a prize that was of use to the winner. Thus, the idea of HRO gift certificates. The board felt the diversity of products at HRO could surly fill someone’s need for new “something or another”. We also wanted to recognize any teams, more than one operator using a common call sign, independent of single operators. Realizing that team scores would, by their nature, be higher than for single operators, we created a separate first-place prize for them. However, we also felt there would be far more single operators than teams thus we decided to have 2nd and 3rd place prizes for single operators. We hope all members can find some time over FD weekend to participate. Several clubs in the Bay Area have worked together to develop a plan for operation on 2M simplex. Please check out the “Field Day 2020 on 2M” for information.

Also note: there is a PAARA sponsored Zoom meeting during FD for members to chat, get assistance, or whatever during FD. It’s an unmoderated “drop-in if you wish” place where PAARA members can engage other members. I will open the meeting secession at or around 9 AM on 6/27. It will remain open for 24 hours. Please feel free to stop by during the event.

Download these PDFs:
Contest Rules HERE

Zoom info:
Topic: PAARA FD meet up site
Time: Jun 27, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) through Jan 28, 2020 09:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Login: 1st name and call
Meeting ID: 853 2022 4810
Password: 846663

73, Jim K6SV
Keep the airwaves alive by getting on the air!

Hiller Aviation Museum Tour - POSTPONED


I’m sorry to announce that, due to the coronavirus and an abundance of caution for our community health, we are postponing the PAARA visit to the Hiller Aviation Museum.  Hiller is following recommendations from the San Mateo County Health Department and closing part of its hands-on exhibits and changing some other protocols.  We will be working closely with Hiller to reschedule our trip; likely sometime in the fall.  If that isn’t possible, we’ll try again to schedule next spring.  If you have reserved a spot for the tour, your money will be refunded.

We appreciate your patience and understanding about this postponement and look forward to rescheduling the trip for you in the future.  If you have any questions, please contact me and I will try to answer them.

Marty, W6NEV & the PAARA Board

SS Jeremiah O'Brien Ship Tour
October 5th, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

In June 1943 the Liberty Ship SS Jeremiah O'Brien slid down the ways at the New England Shipbuilding Corporation in South Portland, Maine.  Shortly thereafter she entered service, operated by Grace Line for the War Shipping Administration.  Named for the first American to capture a British naval vessel during the Revolutionary War, the O'Brien made seven World War II voyages, ranging from England and Northern Ireland to South America, to India, to Australia.  She also made eleven crossings of the English Channel carrying personnel and supplies to the Normandy beaches in support of the D-Day invasion.  After the war, she was "mothballed" and laid up in the Reserve Fleet at Suisun Bay, north of San Francisco.

Join us on a tour of the SS Jeremiah O’Brien, a WWII Liberty Ship. The cost is $33 per person and includes a docent guided tour of the ship and a box lunch provided by Boudin’s Bakery.  Estimated tour time is about 3 Hours.  If you choose, you may also, on your own, tour the SS Pampanito, a WWII Submarine docked just forward of the SS Jeremiah O’Brien.
Tour Details

  1. Where: Pier 45, Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco
  2. When: October 5, 2019, 10:00 AM
  3. Cost: $33,(includes ship tour and a box lunch)

Last day to sign up was Friday, September 27, 2019.
All lunches include one (1) Sandwich, one (1) bag of chips, one (1) bottle of water, and one (1) cookie. If you have questions, contact me at or 408-234-8023.
Previous Events
Amateur Radio Annual Winter Banquet
(sponsored by the Foothill Amateur Radio Society)

Friday, February 15, 2019 – 6:00 PM

“Highlights from the Archives: Early Amateur Radio and Accounts of SOS Calls”
Presented by Bob Rydzewski, KJ6SBR, California Historical Radio Society (CHRS)

Reservations Required

PAARA has again been invited to join the Foothill Amateur Radio Society (FARS) for their annual Amateur Radio Winter Banquet at Michael’s restaurant in Shoreline Park. Many PAARA members enjoyed the event and won prizes last year.

This event is open to anyone who wants to attend, but reservations are required. Bring a spouse or a friend, and, of course, bring a few dollars for the raffle. There are over $1,500 in great prizes.

All sign-ups should be received by 6:00 PM on February 11th. You can sign up online on FARS web site using PayPal. Or you can download and mail a paper reservation form with a check. Mailed sign-ups should be posted by February 7th to be received on time.

SS Red Oak Victory Ship Tour
November 10th, 2018 @ 10:00 AM

SS Red Oak Victory is the last surviving vessel of 747 ships of all types that were built at the Richmond Kaiser Shipyards during World War II.  She is also one of the last surviving World War II Victory ships.  The Red Oak continues to serve today as a museum ship and as a monument to the thousands of men and women who worked hard to build these ships in a time of national crisis. These ships, along with their cousins the Liberty ships, were built on an emergency basis to carry vital supplies and troops to all theaters of war.  The Victory ships remain today as a symbol of the national resolve and industrial might that won the Second World War.

Join the group on a tour of the Red Oak Victory Ship on Saturday, November 10, 10 A.M.  With the members of both PAARA and MDARC, this will be a fascinating tour that will offer a chance to meet our neighboring radio club members. This is a drive yourself trip, but remember, car pooling is always good.  There is plenty of free parking.  You can also visit the Rosie the Riveter Museum after the Red Oak tour if you wish.  It’s just a short drive from the ship if you want a twofer.

The Red Oak Ship Address is:
1337 Canal Blvd
Richmond CA

Rosie the Riveter Museum Address is:
1414 Harbor Way South
Suite #3000/Oil House
Richmond CA

There are two versions of the docent led tours:
Regular Tour - Includes all accessible areas except the lower engine room.  Cost is $32.00.
Full Tour - Includes all accessible areas plus the lower engine room.  Cost is $36.00.
Both tours include a box lunch.

Sandwich Options
Smoked Turkey with Avocado
Pastrami with Sweet Peppers and Garlic
Veggie with Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Red Bell Peppers and Cashew Cream
Penne Pasta Salad with Olives and Feta Cheese
Triple Chocolate Brownie

Registration is now closed.

If you have any questions, please contact me at email or phone listed below.

Marty Wayne

Intel Museum Tour
May 26, 2018


Intel Tech Museum
2200 Mission College Blvd
Santa Clara CA 95054


Baylands Park
999 E. Caribbean Drive
Indian Grass Circle 1
Sunnyvale CA 94089

Set aside Saturday, May 26 for a trip to the Intel Technologies Museum and with a BBQ to follow.  The museum tour is at the Intel Mission College Blvd campus starting at 10 AM sharp.  The tour takes about 1 hour.  Following will be a picnic at the Sunnyvale Baylands Park Indian Grass Circle 1 picnic area beginning about 12 Noon.

Tour and Picnic cost is $10.

This is a drive yourself event and there is plenty of parking, but carpooling is always more fun.  We will meet at the Intel visitor parking lot at 9:45 A.M.  Following the tour, meet at the Sunnyvale Baylands Park, Indian Grass 1 Picnic area.park.  A map will be published soon.

PAARA 80th Anniversary Banquet - CANCELLED

The PAARA 80th Anniversary Banquet has been cancelled due to insufficient reservations. There wasn't enough early support to continue forward.

For those who have already paid for the banquet, refunds will be issued in the form payment was made.  Those who sent in checks, the checks will be returned by mail.  If you have any questions, please contact Marty, W6NEV.

Thank you,
Marty Wayne

Niles Canyon Railway Trip - Sunday, August 30, 2015

UPDTAE: AUGUST 25, 2015 @ 1500 UTC

NCRW Station -- 6 Kilkare Rd -- Sunol, CA 94586
Sunday, August 30, 10:00 AM
Train leaves at 10:30 AM

Note: There will be a picnic and BBQ at the Fremont Central Park/Elisabeth Lake Brook 2 picnic Area following the train ride.  If you've missed the ride, join us for the BBQ at Lake Elisabeth.  BBQ Only = $5 per person on-line by Credit Card or PayPal below.

This is a drive yourself trip.  There appears to be plenty of parking at the Sunol depot but carpool if you can.  It's much more fun that way. A reminder, the train leaves at 10:30 AM.  Please be at the depot by 10:00 AM. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Marty Wayne, W6NEV 408-234-8023

PDF information Flyer HERE.

Computer History Museum Trip - Saturday, March 21, 2015
Put your NERD HATS on, we are going to the Computer History Museum.  Learn about the first 2000 years of computing.  There are many old, newer, and unusual computer related exhibits.  We will get a private demonstration of the IBM 1401 CPU operation and a bonus.  The 1401 CPU emits RF noise that can be detected with an AM radio.  The museum is working on a demonstration to send QRM CW via the CPU.  What a treat that will be.  The tour will be docent lead in groups of about 20.  Plan on about 2 to 3 hours.  Entrance will be $10 per person.  Please pay Marty Wayne, 1039 Bryant Way, Sunnyvale CA.

The date and time:
Saturday, March 21.  Tour will start promptly at 10 AM.
This is a drive yourself trip.  There is plenty of parking but car pooling would be more fun.  The Computer History Museum is located at:
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd
(is the address and the IBM 1401 computer a coincidence?).
Mountain View CA 94043

You can contact me at:
or 408-234-8023 (Cell)
Here is a link for directions to the museum:

You can download a PDF showing maps HERE

PAARAFEST 2014 - Saturday, October 25, 2014
Mark your calendars for the 7th Annual PAARAFEST. And why not celebrate the beginning of Fall while getting that last swap meet bargain. After all, who else in the world will appreciate that precious boat anchor (other than yourself of course). You are a welcome to bring your favorite pot luck dish or dip. Talk in on 147.45 simplex. You don't have anything to bring? No worries, we have a bumper crop of food and tons of cool stuff to go through. If you have a dish or a desert you want to bring, please do!

Date: Saturday, Octoberr 25, 2014
Time: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: ----
The Wilhite Residence (Joel's house – KD6W)
701 Menlo Oaks Drive
Menlo Park, CA. 94025
Who: PAARA club members and families, 50MHz and UP members and families.
What: A combination of a bbq / club fundraiser, get together and mingle, and a time to swap out all your ham-related treasures!
Lunch - $5: All you can eat grilled hamburgers, brats, chips, dips - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.
Bottomless Beer - $5: All you can drink (and still be able to drive), - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.
All other Drinks – 1$ each: All other chilled drink choices except the beer, - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.

RSVP: asap if you want to reserve space for selling spot OR if you're stopping by.
Please email to Joel at to let him know you are coming to PAARAFEST 2014!

PAARA Field Trip: March 16, 2014

Note: Downloadable PDF HERE

Come join us on a field trip to the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (MVTF).  Learn about the many and varied types of military vehicles and the process of restoration from discovery of a vehicle to the final result.  MVTF has a collection of over 240 vehicles.

There are two tour times, 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  The 10:00 AM tour can accommodate 32 people and the 1:00 PM, 34 people.  The tour takes about 2 hours.  Because of limited parking space at MVTF site, we encourage car pooling. A good place to meet for car pooling is at the Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. There is ample parking in the Cubberley main parking lot to the East of the facility (directly across from Montrose Ave). Directions will be posted to the parking lot and the MVTF site on the PAARA website when available. This promises to be a fun and interesting field trip.

To reserve a spot please contact Marty at or call me at 408-234-8023.  Give your first and last name, your call, how many are coming, and whether you want the 10 AM or 1 PM tour.  If you sign up, please show up.  We are responsible for all reservations whether they at used or not.


Pacificon 2013, Oct 11 thru Oct 13
W6P Special Events HF Station
391 contacts, 25 countries - WOW what fun!

What a wonderful event Pacificon 2013 was again this year.  Lots of speakers, lots of people, lots of vendors, and even some prize winners. As you know PAARA operated the HF Special Events Station, W6P.  We had a great time.  The station went up and was operational in about four hours.  That time included a couple of do-over's and some idle time.  By Friday noon, we had one station up and working.  By 1:00 PM, two more were on the air.  The stations were an Icom IC-756Pro, a Yaesu FT-1000MP, and an Elecraft K3 all running 100 Watts.  By 3 PM Saturday, the Icom and the Yaesu were feeding 500 Watt amplifiers and by 9 PM Saturday, the Elecraft also had a 500 Watt amplifier behind it.  This was a really fantastic effort by PAARA members working together.  I especially have to thank Rick, N6DQ for the use of his trailer, HEX Beam, Radio, two amplifiers and almost all the interface cabling.

We initially activated 20, 15 and 10 Meters using Rick Huisman's tower trailer and HEX beam.  What a crowd of looky-loos that arrangement created.  Rick could be a spokesman for both K4KIO HEX Beams and Texas Bragg Trailers.  Tom Schiller, N6BT brought one of his new 40 Meter Verticals that worked very well.  Saturday after the flea market cleared out we strung 80 and 40 Meter dipoles courtesy of Rebar, N6DB.  They worked very well and carried most of the contact load Saturday night.  Rebar worked from about 9 PM Saturday night until 8 AM Sunday morning.  What an effort.

On Saturday there was also a 2 Meter Parachute Mobile rig set up so contacts with the jumpers could be made.  John, KI6BEN handled that station and what a crowd it drew.  Thanks John.
Unfortunately, a count of visitors and operators wasn't taken but I know there were a lot.  At times one couldn't move in the tent.  A real high point is when a lad of about 9, made his first ever ham radio contact with a station in Belgium.  He was so excited.  I think we may soon have a new ham.

There are a ton of people I want to thank for all their help and efforts with this PAARA run station.  I captured the names of most who helped.  If I didn't acknowledge you, I apologize.  There is no malice intended.  Please forgive me. Here are the names and calls in no particular order:
Jim Thielemann, K6SV (ex-KI6KVW); Eric Thielemann, KJ6LAY; Rick Huisman, N6DQ; Joe Nichols, KJ6YTA;
Barry Redding, KK6EIP; Joel Wilhite, KD6W; Joanna Dilley, K6YL; John Vargas, KI6BEN;
Darryl Presley, KI6LDM; Rebar Rebarchik, N6DB.

From Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club: Jim Siemons, AF6PU who headed up the whole Pacificon 2013 event; Mitchell Boyce, W8DOD; John Welden, KJ6GLQ
We of course thank the Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club for giving us this opportunity.  It was a blast for me and I hope that is true for all involved.

Just a heads up, we have been asked to support the Pacificon 2014 Special Events Station W6P again next year.  The dates are Friday, Oct 10 through Sunday, Oct 12, 2014.  Put those dates on your calendar and join in the fun.

I look forward to having another successful event next year.  I also look forward to working with all of you again and hopefully many more from PAARA.  We have a great club.  Let's again take the opportunity to show the amateur radio community how really great we are.

Thanks and 73,
Marty W6NEV
PAARAFEST 2013 - Saturday, September 28th @ 11:00 AM

Mark your calendars for the 6th Annual PAARAFEST. And why not celebrate the beginning of Fall while getting that last swap meet bargain. After all, who else in the world will appreciate that precious boat anchor (other than yourself of course). You are a welcome to bring your favorite pot luck dish or dip. Talk in on 147.45 simplex.
You don’t have anything to bring? No worries, we have a bumper crop of food and tons of cool stuff to go through.

Date:  Saturday, September 28, 2013
Time:  11:00 pm - 6:00 pm
     Set up:  10:00 - 11:00 - Buy, sell, swap, and dine:  11:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Wilhite Residence (Joel's house – KD6W)
 701 Menlo Oaks Drive
 Menlo Park, CA.  94025
Who:  PAARA club members and families, 50MHz and UP members and families.
What:  A combination of a bbq / club fundraiser, get together and mingle, and a time to swap out all your ham-related treasures!
Lunch - $5:  All you can eat grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, dips - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.
Bottomless Beer - $5:  All you can drink (and still be able to drive), - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.
All other Drinks – 1$: All other chilled drink choices except the beer, - ALL proceeds go to PAARA.
RSVP: no later than 9/21/2013 to reserve a selling spot OR if you’re stopping by.
Please email to Joel at to let him know you are coming to PAARAFEST 2013!


PAARA Heading Up The W6P Special Event Station At Pacificon - Volunteers Needed
PAARA will be heading up the W6P Radio operation at Pacificon this year.  Most of the equipment will be furnished by the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club.  The radio station will be set up on Friday morning, Oct. 11.  It will operate Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday morning then be taken down Sunday afternoon.

I am looking for people to help get the station up and on the air; to operate during the active hours.  Twenty four hour operation is not necessary unless someone wants to volunteer for the overnight shifts.  This will be a fun event with no pressure like Field Day.  I hope many of you would like to become involved and participate at any level.

Please contact me by email at or  If you want to chat, call me at 408-234-8023 (cell, best) or 408-246-7531 (home).

Come join the fun and help promote ham radio and PAARA at Pacificon.

Marty, W6NEV

Radio Day by the Bay 2013 on July 20th

Download Detailed Map & Program Here

Help the California Historic Radio Society's celebrate Radio Day by the Bay.  This is the 2013 installment of the annual CHRS fund raising event.  There will be an auction of vintage radios and ham gear, live music by The Joyful Noise Jazz Band, a live radio play by the Broadcast Legends, a vintage electronic flea market, food, tours of KRE, living history interviews and more.  You will also be able to operate W6CF, the James Maxwell Memorial Amateur Radio Station.

A $5 per person donation will be asked for at the gate.  This will be a full day of radio fun.  Lunch is about $7.00.  Gates open a 9 AM. Show starts at 10 AM.

The CHRS site is located at 601 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA.  This is a drive yourself or carpool field trip.  Please make your own arrangements to get there.  I will help coordinate.

If there are any questions, please contact me at or call 408-246-7531.

Marty, W6NEV
KSM/KPH Field Trip - Saturday, April 28 , 2012
PAARA is visiting the Marine Radio Historical Society station KPH/KSM. This coast station was one of several marine communication transmitting and receiving stations located around the globe. The field trip will include visits to both the transmitting and receiving sites. Transportation to and from the site will be by bus. As is part of the PAARA tradition, we will be well fed with hamburgers and accompaniments. Reserve your seats while there are still seats available!

Date: Saturday, April 28

Going: Leave 701 Laurel St, Menlo Park CA at 8:00 AM.

Return: Leave KSM/KPH site approx 3:30 PM.

Cost: $40 per person.

Tickets can be obtained by mailing a check to:

Marty Wayne
1039 Bryant Way
Sunnyvale CA 94087

Please make the checks payable to PAARA and include the name(s) and call(s) for each person going on the trip.

If there are any questions, please contact me at or call 408-246-7531.

Marty, W6NEV
FARS/PAARA Winter Banquet - Friday, January 20, 2012

The Foothills Amateur Radio Society (FARS) and the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA) present this ham radio event and fete.  This annual event is open to anyone who wants to attend, but reservations are required.  All members are encouraged to sign up now for this special annual event.  Bring a spouse or a friend and of course bring a few dollars for the raffle.

Click Here For Further Details

2011 PAARAshoot
This year's PAARAshoot wll be held at the Santa Clara County Field Sports Park on Sunday, July 31, 2011.  It will be a joint firearms shooting event, sponsored by PAARA and the Santa Clara Valley Rifle Club (SCVRC).  The event was started by the late Elaine "Trish" Gibbons, WA6UBE, and her partner Carla Satra, who have been volunteer rangemasters at the South County Field Sports Park in San Jose for many years.

Through their good offices, we have been granted the use, without charge, of the 200 yard rifle range, one of only two 200 yard ranges in the Bay Area.  We have the range to ourselves for the entire day.

Setup begins around 8:30 or so, so if you'd like to help, please come first thing. We shoot until 3:30 when we begin cleanup/packup, so we can be off the range by 4:00.

All are encouraged to bring a little extra .22 ammo, and any interesting or unusual firearms they may have to show.  Lunch is potluck, so bring your favorite grille-able items and sides to share.  There is a fair amount of shade there, but it still gets hot.  Bring plenty of cold drinks.

In addition to the treat of getting to shoot on a 200 yard range, it's always a fun gathering.  Come out to do something a little different with your radio friends. You'll have a BLAST!
March 12 Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association
April 9 South Peninsula Amateur Radio Club
May 21 Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association
June 11 Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System
July 9 Foothills Amateur Radio Society
August 13 Silicon Valley Emergency Communications System
September 10 West Valley Amateur Radio Association
October 8 Silicon Valley Chapter, American Red Cross

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