Stealth Indoor, Attic and Exterior HF antennas. Many of us have homes in Homeowner Associations, townhomes, condos, or apartments which require stealth antennas but we can still enjoy our ham radio hobby and even work DX.
Michael McClary, N6MO- Licensed since 1968, Retired from Lockheed Martin as Vice President,14 years ago. BS Electrical Engineering, BS Computer Science and Master Business Administration. Lived and operated in non-HOA home but also HOA home, townhome and condo.
Note: Please make sure you're running the latest version of ZOOM in order to connect.
The Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association meets on the 1st Friday of the month at 7:00 pm (19:00 J) (except when the first Friday lands on a holiday and typically moved to the 2nd Friday of the month).
PLEASE NOTE: The meeting location has changed. We will now be meeting in Meeting Room H6, in the Cubberley Community Center in Palo Alto. Further information is below.
Location: Cubberley Community Center; 4000 Middflefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303.
Telephone: (650) 329-2418.
After the meeting, many members gather for beer, pizza, and eyeball QSO at Mountain Mike's Pizza, located at 3918 Middlefield Rd, in Palo Alto. It's literally next door to Cubberly.
Board Meetings
The PAARA Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the home of Marty Wayne, W6NEV. Address is: 1039 Bryant Way, Sunnyvale, CA. We conduct most of our club business there in order to allow more time for guest speakers and socializing at regular club meetings. Any PAARA member is welcome to attend.
A few meetings throughout the year have pre-defined agenda items. These include:
September Board Meeting The Nominating Committee is appointed by the President to decide on a slate of candidates to be recommended to the membership.
October General Meeting The Nominating Committee presents its nominations to the membership at the regular club meeting. Nominations from club members opens at the beginning of the meeting, and closes at the end of the meeting.