
FARS / PAARA Winter Banquet
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Foothills Amateur Radio Society (FARS) and the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA) present this ham radio event and fete.  This annual event is open to anyone who wants to attend, but reservations are required.  All members are encouraged to sign up now for this special annual event.  Bring a spouse or a friend and of course bring a few dollars for the raffle.

"Radio On The High Seas" by Richard Dillman, W6AWO
Richard speaks about the history of radio on the high seas with a
slide show of photos and a stirring and dramatic narration.

Further Information At The FARS Website

KSM/KPH Field Trip on April 28, 2012. For details Click Here.


Welcome to the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association, "The Friendliest Club Around."

We are the premier San Francisco Bay Area general interest Amateur Radio club.  I'd like to personally thank you for stopping by.  PAARA is a general interest club that actively encourages its members to enjoy our multi-faceted hobby together with friends.

We hope that you will be able to learn about our club here, and invite you to stop by one of our meetings.  I think you'll find that we live up to our motto.

If you are a new ham, or an old timer with a desire to meet other interesting and fun hams, please come visit us in person.  We hope to see you soon!

Kristen McIntyre, K6WX


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