*If you would like to be a Net Control Operator contact Doug at dteter@wcwi.com.
Net Script
Is this frequency in use? [Pause]
QST, QST, QST. This is the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association Net, which meets every Monday evening at 20:30 hours local for the purpose of exchanging information among members of the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association. The 100Hz PL tone is ON so please check your radio for proper operation. All visitors are welcome.
Net Control for this evening is [name, callsign, & phonetics].
Stations with emergency or priority traffic may break in at any time. Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time? [pause]
This is a directed net. Please direct all traffic to net control.
Please indicate if you have any QSTs, traffic, swap items or operating news when you check in.
Take check-ins from club officers and directors (pause).
Take check-ins from ARRL and IARU officials (pause).
Take check-ins from club members with callsign suffixes beginning Alpha through Golf. (Pause)
Take check-ins from club members with callsign suffixes beginning Hotel through Mike. (pause)
Take check-ins from club members with callsign suffixes beginning November through Sierra. (pause)
Take check-ins from club members with callsign suffixes beginning Tango through Zulu. (pause)
Take any missed, late or guest check-ins. (pause)
Announcements —
Upcoming Events: read the PAARAgraphs or the web site information
Does anyone have any…
Operating News?
[Call any check-ins who indicated they had traffic, a comment for the net, or information on recent or upcoming events and contests.]
Time for Swap!
[Ask if anyone has any ham-related products that they wish to sell, swap, or buy.]
Are there any late check-ins? [pause]
Close the Net - We wish to thank the owners and trustees of the repeater for use of their system, and everyone for checking in this evening. This is net control [callsign] returning the N6NFI machine to normal use.
PAARA Net History
The PAARA Net has taken many forms over the years. For many years, the club held VHF simplex nets. During the 1970s it begain at 8:15pm on 145.224 MHz—with AM modulation! (As a 1974 PAARAgraphs put it, “…no shoddy FM allowed.”) In February 1975, the net began switching to FM modulation on that same frequency. Some time later, the PAARA Net moved to 147.450 MHz simplex. After the 145.23 machine was activated, the net moved there shortly later to increase the range. On October 1st, 2009, N6NFI permanently enable the PL tone.
Weekly Net
Info and swap session every Monday evening at 8:30pm on the N6NFI 145.230 MHz repeater