Membership is available to all persons interested in Amateur radio. There is no screening process or sponsorship required to become a member. We encourage prospective members to sign up for membership at our meetings.
Primary member dues are $25.00 per year which provides full membership privileges, including:
- Membership Roster
A printed membership roster, containing the names of all members, and the phone numbers and E-mail addresses of those that provide the information.
- PAARA Newsletter
Full members get one copy of PAARAgraphs, the club newsletter, mailed to them each month. (Family memberships do not receive additional newsletters.)
- Voting At Annual Elections
Family member dues are just $6.00 per year. (One Primary member of the family pays the full dues of $25.00, enabling the rest of the family to join as Family members).
To become a PAARA member, please fill out the a Membership Form, which you can download from here:
Membership Form
You can then bring the Form to the next PAARA meeting and give it, along with your Dues payment to Membership Coordinator, Jim Thielemann, KI6KVW, or any other Officer of the Club. If you wish to mail it in, send this form with your check made out to "PAARA" to:
PAARA Membership
P.O. Box 911
Menlo Park, CA 94026

Members interested in obtaining a club badge with their First Name, Callsign, City, and PAARA logo on it can purchase one for $30.00. You can order one at any PAARA meeting or use the form below. Your badge will be ordered and mailed to you. The price includes shipping.