
2 Aug 2024
Club Meeting:


Nodes - Internet-mediated gateways.
What are they?  Do I need one?
Leigh Ann Weiland, K6WXO


Meeting Info

Click Here

PAARA Computer History Museum Day
24 Aug 2024


I personally welcome you to “the friendliest club around” and thanks for checking us out. The Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA) is a premier general interest club located in the San Francisco Bay Area dating back to 1937. Whether you’re interested in DX, Contesting, EME, ARES, MARS, Microwave or any other facet of amateur radio, you’ll find one or more members who have similar interests.

I encourage you to get a “feel” of the club by browsing the pages of our web site. Of note are the back issues of our newsletter, PAARAgraphs, which date back to 1971. Whether a new ham, old-timer, or visiting from out of the area, I invite you to join us at a monthly meeting to connect with other passionate hams.

We hope to see you soon!

Jim Thielemann, K6SV

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